Two Cards
If you are trying to make a very important decision in your life and you don’t know which path to follow, if you are really doubtful about the consequences the crossroads tarot spread will help you to find your way.
Queen of Pentacles
Nurturing, practical, providing financially, a working parent
The Queen of Pentacles illustrates a woman who is the nourishing mother in the physical realm. She reveals her love by cooking, keeping a clean and welcoming home, and giving warmness to people around her. She is also able to make financial participation in the home, often as the main provider.
When the Queen of Pentacles card shows up in a reading, you are the ideal employed parent model. You can keep harmony between home and job.
Similarly, the Queen of Pentacles reminds you to be independent, with solid revenue and with sufficient time to also nourish your loved ones. You may be working to discover a healthier balance between your house duties and your work.
The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes success and safety. You have struggled hard and made material safety. You have applied your economic success to build a cozy home environment and concentrated on spending in your family as your individual assets.
Sometimes, the Queen of Pentacles card describes a motherly and kind person you know who can nourish you to help you get over your difficulties.
Financial independence, self-care, work-home conflict
The reversed Queen of Pentacles indicates that you are using that nurturing energy on yourself. You are building financial abundance, starting your own job or maintaining your life with your earnings.
In some cases, the reversed Queen of Pentacles shows that your business and home life are not stable and in harmony. You may be very overwhelmed by your job, spending extended hours at the job or carrying your work home. Additionally, your home living may be consuming much of your time, and you can’t give your concentration to your work.
Furthermore, a reversed Queen of Pentacles shows an internal struggle because of an unbalance between work and personal life. You may worry that you’re not giving your awareness to either one of them, despite your trying.
Five of Wands
Conflict, disagreements, competition, tension, diversity
In the Tarot, the number Five describe conflict and struggle. The Five of Wands card shows that you are in the middle of conflict, stress, and opposition with others and it is affecting your energy to move forward with your purposes. Rather than being able to operate towards a goal, you are running up against constant struggle.
With the Five of Wands, everyone is fighting to be heard and no one is listening. When everybody has a different view, but no-one hears each other out, confusions will run uncontrolled. If you are in this situation, see it as a chance to rise up from the chaos. Listen to what other people are saying – even if you accept or not. The key is to harmonize with other people. After that, they may soften their judgments and also give you respect and listen to your viewpoint.
Sometimes, this type of conflict can be very fruitful, such as brainstorming and problem-solving. You may profit from building a committee or expert group with other people who bring alternating perspectives.
You may deal with people from different cultures and try to accept their way of living. Remember that each soul has something unique to bring to the table and that you will help by learning more about them and what they have to contribute.
The Five of Wands encourages an enthusiastic suggestion to change. Transition is coming whether or not you want it; your challenge will be in assuring that everyone is on the same page and dealing with this transformation constructively. However, currently, your group’s energy is scattered by misdirected energy. Everybody has ideas, but no one is there to bring them into a coherent path ahead.
Inner conflict, conflict avoidance, tension release
The Five of Wands reversed suggests that you are handling inner conflict. You may try to work through your point of view on controversial topics or you may think about personal problems such as whether to leave or not a relationship or job. This process is helpful and will help you come to a well-thought-out perspective. There is no right answer, and someone will oppose the path you want, so find the option that suits best with you.
The Five of Wands reversed can imply that you have the tendency to withdraw conflict wherever possible. You may see that any tension makes you feel uncomfortable, and you wish it would just go away. So, you use a lot of that energy and neglect the problem. However, some conflict can be helpful, particularly if it is constructive and draws out the underlying problems for a solution.