
Three Cards

The three card tarot spread is one of the oldest methods. You can get to the heart of your question with a simple three-card Tarot reading.  In this spread, there are three different positions which can be changed by to your preference, Past – Present – Future (or Situation – Action – Outcome, Situation – Obstacle – Advice  and etc.).

The meaning of the card you choose varies according to it’s position.
This opening provides a GENERAL perspective to the period you are in. Or you can evaluate the comments in the frame of your question.

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

A new financial or career opportunity, manifestation, abundance

The Ace of Pentacles signifies starts, possibilities, and potential like the other Aces of the Tarot – and as a Pentacles card, these beginnings relate to the material realm: investments, money, profession and bodily health. You may get a new job request, a surprising amount of money, a new business occasion. No matter the circumstance, the Ace of Pentacles announces a feeling of success and wealth in the material spheres of your life. It surely comes as a welcome message. As with all Aces, this card represents the possibility of a new attempt but does not guarantee its completion because it will be up to you.

The Ace of Pentacles indicates the first steps of manifesting your purposes and ensures that you can accomplish what you have set your mind to do. This card urges you to map out how you will reach your goals, build plans and get those efforts started.

The Ace of Pentacles also signifies abundance, not just for your bank account but in every way. You may explore chances to generate a new source of revenue or you may have a fortune to produce wealth in a wider sense – joy, satisfaction, and love.

Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight

When the reversed Ace of Pentacles arrives in a reading, you may feel reluctant about moving ahead with an opportunity, especially one that relates to your career or investments. You may be wondering whether you have what it takes to review it through. Don’t move ahead until you’re ready. Evaluate the probability of your plan and its potential consequences.

The reversed Ace of Pentacles may also be a signal that a business opportunity could drop unexpectedly.

Moreover, the reversed Ace of Pentacles suggests you be very cautious with your expenses. When the card is reversed, the coin seems as it’s about to drop out of the hand. Be practical in case you are without a job or have a big and unforeseen financial expense.

Sometimes, the reversed Ace of Pentacles suggests that you are working on your goals but keep falling into setbacks and other obstacles. If you’re having restricted success, then you may need to review your aimed approach.

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Compassionate, caring, emotionally stable, intuitive, in flow

The Queen of Cups is caring, kind and sensitive. When you see her in a Tarot reading, you are embracing her ‘nourishing’ energy. You are listening with your heart and caring people strongly. You are empathic and can feel the needs of others by attuning into your heart, and you keep the space for others to show their emotions.

The Queen of Cups tells you are very intuitive, artistic, and in tune with the energies around. In your communications with others, you can simply know other people to get a feeling of how to interact efficiently. Other people may come to you to reveal their problems about the emotional level. They believe you and understand that you always have the right answer. You see the Divine in everyone you see.

In your creative plans and efforts, you sense your step into them, trusting your heart to guide you on the right path. You know when something is ‘wrong’, and you notice this, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. You may be in harmony with the lunar cycles, using these cycles to manifest your purposes and live your desires.

Sometimes the Queen of Cups hints that you are being asked to trust your inner voice and pay awareness to your feelings. Act with your heart, not your head. Be open to receiving intuitive messages streaming to you through your dreams or meditation.

Inner feelings, self-care, self-love, co-dependency

When the reversed Queen of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, you need to bring your awareness inwards and focus on your emotional self. You’re amazing at taking care of other people – but now it’s time to take care of Yourself. This card implies that you are emotionally exhausted because you have been so occupied helping others, but not yourself. You may need to set clear limits with people so that they understand you love them but will not take on their emotional baggage. They are responsible for their life experiences, and they need to go on their own mission to learn.

The reversed Queen of Cups could mean you have created a co-dependent connection that is not good for either person. Review your relationships and see where you can build a healthy distance.

The reversed Queen of Cups is often a warning that your intuition is powerful right now, however, you should give yourself the time to listen.

In some cases, the reversed Queen of Cups is a signal that you are allowing your emotions to rule over you. Be mindful not to let your emotions catch your life in such a way that you are losing control and outlook. Find a quiet space to be centered and calm your soul.

Sometimes, the reversed Queen of Cups implies that you may be out of touch with your emotions or holding them deep inside. You may try to prove yourself, instead of bottling up your emotions. If you do not connect these emotional problems, they will reach a boiling limit.

Six of Wands

Six of Wands

Success, public recognition, progress, self-confidence

The Six of Wands shows up when you made an important discovery or accomplished a goal, and you are very confident and proud. You checked your strengths and talents to bring about a happy outcome in your efforts and made it through the chaos of the Five of Wands, minimizing your confusion and focusing on the task at hand. Yes, there were difficulties along the way, but you defeated them by focusing your energies on the target.

The Six of Wands implies that not only have you accomplished your goals, but you are also receiving public recognition for your works. You may have recently won an award from your companions for your work. It may even be just a pat on the back, but this attention is a big boost to your self-confidence.

The Six of Wands also inspires you to put yourself out there and be proud of what you achieved. Be open to accepting love from your biggest cheerleaders, who are excited by seeing you succeed.

While the Six of Wands indicates an excellent event, keep in mind that you’re not at the finish line just yet. You still have a way to go, and tests may sit on the path – but take heart knowing you have the care of those around you.

Private achievement, personal definition of success, fall from grace, egotism

The Six of Wands reversed hints that you have reached a meaningful personal goal, but unlike the upright version, you keep it to yourself right now. You may be embarrassed by receiving public appreciation for your work, or it may be such a private accomplishment that you have no reason to share it with other people. Review with yourself though: are you avoiding sharing it because you lack courage or feel shy about being on top?

The reversed Six of Wands inspires you to create your own definition of success. If you have found yourself seeking validation, you may have stripped yourself of your self-belief. When you are clear about what victory means to you, you will do better choices that are more in association with who you really are, and increase your self-confidence.

Another meaning of the Reversed Six of Wands is that it can also carry arrogance and egotistical actions. With a boost to your confidence, you may come to think that nobody is better than you. Guide in your character and make your success all the richer.

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