Upright High Priestess
While the Magician represents the conscious mind, the High Priestess is the guardian of the subconscious mind and teaches hidden mysteries. High Priestess has a natural ability to travel between conscious and subconscious mind without any effort and teaches you that the world is not always as it seems. She guides you through the thin cloud of awareness, offering you a deep understanding of the Universe and a raised awareness of secret or hidden information.
The High Priestess represents wisdom. She shows up in your Tarot readings when you have the opportunity to access deep spots in your soul. You can tune into your intuition more easily because the veil between you and your inner world is thinner than it usually is. The answers which you are seeking will come from within. Connect with your intuition through a way that is more suitable for you (meditation, yoga, shamanic journeying, reading spiritual books or being part of spiritual communities).
Your intuitive insight can give you helpful knowledge and support you to become closer to your subconscious mind. Knowledge will not come to you by thinking and rationalizing, but by trusting your intuition. So, allow yourself the time and space to meditate and reach your inner voice. Look for fields in your life that may be out of balance or lacking ‘flow’. The more you trust your feelings, the more they will develop and flow.
Finally, the High Priestess could be a sign that you are being invited to welcome the Divine Feminine – your connection to your inner wisdom, intuition, compassion. The appearance of the High Priestess card signals that your divine feminine needs your attention now. No matter what is your gender, you need to balance your masculine and feminine energies. Feel, more than thinking. Cooperate, more than resisting. Trust your Divine Feminine energy and be proud of your ability to trust, nurture, sense and don’t try hiding it away.
Reversed High Priestess
The reversed High Priestess invites you to direct your concentration inward to listen to your inner voice. You may be affected by other people’s opinions or taken away by their drama when what you really need to do is focus and decide on what is right for you. It is time to get silent and be away from the external world to witness what your inner voice is sharing with you now.
Ask yourself: Do I trust my intuition? Perhaps you feel silly or guilty for listening to your inner voice, and as a result, you deny your ability to tune in and receive some powerful message. You may also keep your intuitive abilities hidden from others, being afraid of their judgments or assumptions.
Think of the High Priestess as a calm center inside of you and trust that she is always there when you need her. Find a quiet place and meditate so you can hear the voice.
Finally, the hidden nature of the High Priestess may also suggest gossip and hidden plans. Others may be keeping some data from you or talking about you behind your back and spreading lies. Rather than diving into the depths of paranoia, have an open conversation with them.