Seven of Cups

Upright Seven Of Cups

The Seven of Cups card represents new possibilities, options, and at times, an illusion. When the Seven of Cups show up in a Tarot reading, you have many choices but be careful! You are prone to confusion and unrealistic goals. An opportunity with promises of more abundance may seem appealing, but as you look deeper, you may realize it is more complicated. Evaluate your opportunities and dig underneath the surface to explore what’s included with each option.

Usually, the Seven of Cups can be a hint of enthusiastic thinking and dreaming, rather than taking action to make it happen. However, if you spend most of your time dreaming but not acting, then it’s time to decide just one thing and make it happen.

The Seven of Cups may be a symbol of that you neglect to see any of those new possibilities through to the end. When you are regularly in the idea stage, you miss the chance to bring your designs to realization. Again, now is a time to concentrate on the one thing that will move you closer to your goal.

This card is calling you to move out of the dreaming phase and choose. Each option will have its pros and cons, so make sure that your choice is in alignment with your purpose – even if you feel slightly paralyzed by the opportunities accessible to you.

Reversed Seven Of Cups

The reversed Seven of Cups often shows up when you encounter different choices and, instead of choosing the opportunity that may please others, you are relying on your inner guidance to tell you the best approach. You may have your own rules to help you make choices in association with your inner being.

If you find yourself with multiple choices, teach yourself first and think about what you want for a longer time. All these bright new things in front of you have a specific ‘magic’ control over you right now, and you’re losing your focus if you chase after false dreams. 

The reversed Seven of Cups can suggest you are confused by choice and cannot move ahead. Reduce your alternatives and focus on what is essential to you. You don’t need to keep seeking a significant idea; you have what you need. Make your selection and move ahead with it.