Upright Queen Of Wands
The Queen of Wands tells you that you are courageous and stubborn. You are here to see through your creative ideas and life goal, even in the face of difficulty. Being highly self-actualized, you know how to best direct your powers and vulnerabilities to reach your purposes. You are confident and full of ideas to share with other people. You know what you desire and how to take it, and are authoritative at engaging with others to accomplish your goals. Stay strongly determined on your purposes while being intimate and friendly with people around you.
The Queen of Wands asks you to be brave in your moves. Don’t be hesitant to own your power and put it out into the universe. You have so much to contribute – so it is time to shine! Believe what you stand for, and don’t be scared to speak up. No one will stop you.
Like the social butterfly, the Queen of Wands hints that you guide a busy life, making relationships with people and you track your imagination. You spread vitality – a natural intellectual leader who actively motivates others.
The Queen of Wands also tells that you appreciate being the center of attention and opening yourself completely to the external world. You can instantly win others over with your warm and charming character.
Finally, the Queen of Wands urges you to get to know your shadow character and your darker side. This doesn’t certainly need to be a negative feature of yourself but could be something that people don’t know about. Queen of Wands inspires you to share this side more openly with others – don’t be scared to show your shadow. It will allow you to relate to others on a deeper level.
Reversed Queen Of Wands
The Reversed Queen of Wands indicates you have reached a place of confidence. You know yourself on a profound level, and you are open to your truth.
The Reversed Queen of Wands can also hint that you may be more introverted than normal. Instead of being the center of attention, you want to wait and watch what is happening. That’s absolutely okay – honor your needs and don’t force yourself to be extroverted.
If you have lacked in courage, the Reversed Queen of Wands suggests you bring your energy inward and concentrate on restoring your sense of flexibility. Discover who you are and be brave in revealing ‘you’ in everything you do, even if it is distinctive from what others require of you.