Upright World
When the World card shows up in a Tarot card reading, you are shining with wholeness and fulfillment. You are now enjoying the sense of closure and completion. This card could picture graduation, a wedding or fulfilling a dream or ambition. You have finally succeeded in your purpose. Everything is together, and you are in the right position, doing the right thing, achieving what you have dreamed of. You feel complete.
Now, the World card encourages you to follow your journey, honor your successes and tune into your spirituality. Rejoice your progress and relax in the joy of having brought your purposes to fulfillment. Make sure you don’t hurry into the next project; rejoicing your journey will set you up for success when you are ready for your next challenge.
Maybe you have not arrived at this point of fulfillment, however, you are very near! You may need more understanding to go to a higher level and enjoy real success. Review your past experiences and acknowledge how far you have come and what you learned along the way. It may amaze you to look at your journey and see how much you achieved.
Finally, the World card can indicate travel, especially on a large scale. This card strengthens Earthly understanding and global consciousness, and you will find a new taste for cultures from across the world.
Reversed World
The Reversed World card hints that you need closure on a personal problem. For example, you are still attached to an ex-love relationship and desire to move on. You know, deep down, you need to let go of the past to accept where you are now.
The Reversed World can imply that you want to fulfill a big purpose, but you’re not taking all the steps required to get there. You may opt for the simplest or fastest path to accomplish your goal, but it won’t lead to the result you expect. Climbing a mountain by yourself is a completely distinctive experience from riding to the peak with a helicopter. And when you do accomplish your purpose, you will enjoy such a wonderful feeling of success.
Sometimes, the reversed World can mean a frustrating pause in finishing your projects. You might miss a necessary part, and you won’t find closure until it gets finished. You may require to get more imaginative to find out how to reach the finish line.